Monday, August 07, 2006

Solving the Rand Whitney Problem

Montville is researching alternate means of providing water to Rand-Whitney Container Board.

The Town Council has approved $25,000 for a no-bid contract to study town property (behind Montville Hardware) to determine if it can provide water to meet Rand-Whitney needs.

The town is in multi-million dollar litigation with Rand-Whitney. The suit concerns a 1993 contract in which the town agreed to provide the company with treated wastewater from the WPCA treatment plant for use in its facility. Rand-Whitney sued because the town allegedly failed to provide water of sufficient quality. Rand-Whitney may have hoodwinked the town and the town did not adequately research the requirements and implications of the contract before signing, but those are issues of the litigation. What matters is resolving the basic problem.

The town must ensure that any new source of water not only meets quantity requirements but also meets or exceeds the quality requirements. The town, the state, and Rand-Whitney need to be involved in the solution. If the quantity and quality are satisfactory to all parties, then the town should competitively bid all contracts. The problem needs to be resolved, but not with a hurried answer and no-bid contract process

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