Sunday, August 06, 2006

Montville Mayor to Abolish 2nd Amendment

In an effort garner political points under the guise of resolving a quarrel between two town citizens over a private shooting range, Montville Mayor Joseph Jaskiewicz is working to prohibit all shooting in Montville.

The Mayor's ordinance would outlaw the discharge of any firearm (as yet undefined) "within 500 feet of an occupied building, near livestock, pets or people, or land designated as a nature preserve, conservancy or town park" (read anywhere). A request for a copy of the proposed ordinance has not yet been satisfied. Media accounts describing the proposal can only be interpreted as a total prohibition of recreational shooting and personal protection.

It is vital that Montville citizens and those interested in preserving the constitution contact Mayor Jaskiewicz at (860) 848-3030 Ext. 301, and advocate against the proposed ordinance.

The ordinance will probably be introduced during the Town Council meeting August 14 (7:00 P.M.). Contact the Town Council members to ask them to oppose Mayor Jaskiewicz's anti-constitution proposal. Attend the meeting and speak out. Council member contact information can be found at or by calling 848-1349.

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